The mayor and five council persons are all elected in quadrennial (every four years) elections. Candidates run “at large”, that is they do not run by districts or wards, but are elected by the voting population as a whole. There are no term limits.
The Mayor controls the day to day operation of the city and has authority over all departments, employees, and property, and is responsible for seeing that the decisions of the City Council are carried out. The City Council is the legislative arm of the city. The City Council has the power to adopt ordinances (local laws) and resolutions (directing a particular action) and controls the expenditure of city funds, however, their authority is limited to actions taken in a legally convened session of the City Council.
City Council meetings are held on Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Trussville City Hall. Agenda packets are distributed to each council member at the 5:00 workshop held on the Thursday preceding the council meeting. These workshops are a tool to assist the City Council in becoming familiar with agenda items and associated information. While these meetings are open to the public, the workshop is not a venue for public discussion of agenda items.
Each council person has a “mail box” at City Hall. While council persons do not maintain an office at City Hall, messages or correspondence will be placed in their respective box.