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About the City

Welcome to Trussville!

The beauty of the Cahaba River meandering throughout the city along with the beautiful canopy along the tree-lined streets are both pleasant and serene.  The Cahaba Village  historic district laid out with WPA labor in the 1930’s is the pride of the community.  Trussville’s Mall in the center of the historical district was designed to resemble the Mall in Washington, D.C. with the school and commissary (now the Chamber of Commerce) anchoring the east end.  This district contains 287 residential units consisting of triplexes, duplexes and single family homes. These homes were originally rented to families, before being offered for sale in the early 1940’s. The area had schools, sewer, indoor bathroom facilities, paved streets with curbs and gutters, parks and sidewalks. This was the first planned unit development in Trussville and is still a very desired address to this day. All homes had lots large enough for a garden spot with a shed to house a cow and chickens. Remember, this was established during the Great Depression. The City of Trussville has received a historical designation for the Cahaba Homestead Village Historic District from the Alabama Historical Preservation Commission and has been listed on the National Historic Register in Washington D.C.

We have a 128 acre Sports Complex which has hosted many tournaments for different sports including softball, soccer, baseball and football.

The Arts Council of the Trussville Area, commonly called ACTA, which uses community members and others in the area to produce local theater performances that are well received.  This group presents productions four times a year with an additional performance that is used as a fundraiser for ACTA. Also located at Heritage Hall is the Trussville Historical Museum, a true treasure for our city.

In the summer, you will find all the neighborhood children at the city’s public pool in the center of the Cahaba Project neighborhood or at one of the playgrounds located adjacent to the pool or behind the library.

Trussville is known for its churches, schools and now has over 75 restaurants to suit your taste. New retail stores with the hard to find items are springing up in Trussville to make for an interesting shopping experience. If barbecue is your wish, we have several outstanding tastes that will please anyone. Maybe you love to shop for antiques, if so, we can suggest a large antique mall right in downtown Trussville.

Trussville has four major shopping centers with nationally known anchors in each of them. Trussville has four local hotels in our city with a number of restaurants surrounding them or located nearby. Our close proximity to Birmingham with a safe, low crime area, makes us your stop for shopping, shelter and food. We have three interstates nearby, I-59, I-459, and I-20.