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About the Department

131 Main Street
PO Box 159
Trussville, Alabama 35173

Business Line: 205-655-9123
Emergency Line: 205-655-2341

In 1947, a volunteer Fire Department was formed to protect the citizens of Trussville. The Fire Department remained volunteer until 1998 when Chief Russell Ledbetter was selected to become our Fire Chief and to form a joint department made up of volunteers and paid workers. Today that system is still in place to protect us. All fire stations are manned by paid staff twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.  The department is made stronger by having reserve firefighters on call.

Trussville has four fire stations to serve our citizens. Station Number 1 is located at 131 Main Street; Station Number 2 is located at 7317 Roper Road; Station Number 3 is located at 8160 Gadsden Highway; and Station Number 4 is located at 7389 Gasline Road.

Our Fire Department presently has 42 paid firefighters and emergency medical technicians. All firefighters are trained as emergency medical technicians. We still depend upon our 70 volunteer firefighters with over half of them trained as emergency medical technicians to assist our full-time fire department to be effective in protecting our city.

The emergency phone number is 655-2341 and for all other business, call 655-9123.