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Active Transportation Committee

Active Transportation Committee

The purpose of this advisory committee shall be to develop and help the City implement a comprehensive transportation plan that emphasizes non-vehicular modes of travel, in alignment with the City’s 2040 Plan and vision, as well as any successor Plans. The 2040 Plan aims to enhance quality of life by integrating walking, biking, and other forms of active transportation into the city’s infrastructure, reduce traffic congestion, and promote sustainability. The committee’s work will support interconnectivity between neighborhoods and businesses, promote health and fitness and improve the marketability of the City. Additionally, the plan will focus on aligning with regional transportation efforts to ensure seamless integration with surrounding areas.

All meetings occur at 113 N. Chalkville Road at City Hall Annex at 8AM.
2025 Schedule
January 8th
March 5th
May 7th
July 9th
September 3rd
November 5th



Board MemberExpiration
Marc WardDecember 31,2025
Sandy MillsDecember 31,2026
J.T. MurphyDecember 31.,2027
Kris ReevesDecember 31,2028
Natalie SpottDecember 31,2029
Ben Short, Council LiasonTerm of Service